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Home » Place Fell 15 » Rules and Entry Requirements

Rules and Entry Requirements

Please read the following rules and declarations carefully: they are provided for your own safety and information.

Entry requirements

You must be at least 16 years old on race day to enter Place Fell 15k.

Entries are via SI Entries

We advise for you to have good trail skills and knowledge of trail running.

Once you have loaded your details and race/mountain experience into the SI Entries entry page, you will then be charged for the entry and you will be naturally accepted.

Race rules

The following race rules and safety instructions apply:

Health and wellbeing

  • You must be confident of your own ability to enter and complete the race. You must be fit, and in good health on race day.
  • You must take responsibility for yourself, and fellow racers, during the race.
  • Any runner must halt their race to offer help to any fellow competitor who is in trouble or injured. The race directors will reward anyone who does stop to help. Anyone who is found not to have helped a fellow competitor may be disqualified and barred from entering any future Lake District Sky Trails events.
  • You must not use earphones whilst crossing the road at the start or near the finish of the race, for safety reasons.

Safety on the course

  • You must carry the mandatory kit at all times.
  • You must follow the countryside code, especially in relation to shutting gates. It is strictly forbidden to climb any walls or fences.
  • You must stay on the fully way-marked course and to deviate from this will risk disqualification from the race.
  • You must follow either the race route as dictated by the Race Director or any race officials or course marshals. The Race Director reserves the right to cancel the race in extreme circumstances.
  • Race numbers must be worn on the front of your chest, and must not be obscured during the race. Race numbers must be given to marshals on the course. This is an important safety feature. Failure do this will risk disqualification from the race.

Running with dogs

  • If you would like to run with your dog, then please advise the events team and please accept that you must start at the back of the race, as not all participants are as happy about dogs as you might be.
  • Your dog must be on a lead at all times.

Withdrawing and transferring entries

  • Should you need to withdraw from this race then we will accept deferrals up until entries have closed on the 15th July 2024.
  • Entries are transferrable up until the closure of entries on 15 July 2024, but ONLY with the approval of the Race Director. Should you wish to transfer your entry to someone else, please email asap.
  • We advise you take out insurance for cancelations, as the above rules are not flexible.

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